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"The Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Tortworth Primary School

Results and Performance


2022-23 Statutory Results

NB National results are currently provisional & will updated once these are published

 Early Years: % of children reaching a Good Level of Development

Tortworth National
GLD 67% 65%

Year 1 Phonics screening - children meeting the expected standard

Tortworth National
82%  80%

Year 2 Phonics re-take - children meeting the expected standard

Tortworth National
75% 89%

 Year 2

Tortworth National Tortworth National
Reading (TA) 56% 68% 33% 18%
Writing (TA) 56% 59% 0% 8%
Maths (TA) 67% 70% 0% 16%
RWM combined 44% Not measured 3% Not measured

Year 6

Tortworth National Tortworth National
Reading 67% 73% 17% 29%
Writing (TA) 33% 71% 8% 12%
Maths 33% 73% 8% 23%
GPS 42% 72% 33% 30%
RWM combined 33% 59% 8% 7%


Click the link below to access government performance tables for schools.

Performance Tables

Click the link below to access the school's performance tables on the government's compare website.

Tortworth Compare